Friday, May 20, 2016

Iris Soap

So my sister put in an order for soap scented with her favorite scent, The Perfect Man from Nature's Garden. She loves this scent and requested soap, as well as lotion, made with it. I thankfully remembered to add the cool down phase to the lotion, unlike my last debaucle.

She wanted to pay me for my trouble, but I don't sell, and she's my sister! I decided it would be a gift instead.

The fragrance did wind up discoloring more after several days (it remained a pinkish purple hue), but I loved how they turned out! A simple drop and then hanger swirl, the results were akin to iris petals and soft leaves. It was a very organic design.

Hanger Swirl, Petra style, Soap Making Forum, April smf challenge

So over at Soap Making Forum, four other ladies and I host monthly SMF soap challenges. These challenges are meant as a learning experience for all members who choose to join us. There are no prizes attached.
After studying Petras Seifen Kunst hanger swirl, I decided to host a challenge with her swirl. The resulting soap is this!

If interested, you can check out our SMF Soap Challenge Youtube channel here. My specific challenge for this soap was made in April.